March 25 Smart-A-Thon Cancelled

To All-

It is with great sadness and concern for our community that we CANCEL the Smart-A-Thon 2020 that was set for March 25, 2020.  

Because we depend upon The Smart-A-Thon to help raise funds that we give back to educational programs in our community, we hope all of you who have donated or planned to sponsor teams will do so as a donation.  We will provide you with a letter documenting your generosity.  If you prefer a refund or have any questions, please call the Chamber at 818.248.4957.

We thank all of you who have stepped forward to support the event this year.  A special thank you to J’s Maintenance, Wellness Works and USC Verdugo Hills Hospital for stepping forward to sponsor the 2020 event.

On behalf of the Board of Advisors of the Education Fund, the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Community Foundation of the Verdugos, we thank you very much for your understanding and your support during these incredibly challenging times for our community.  The jokes, skits, and fun-loving activities, all in support of educational programs in our community, will be back again next year!

Our best wishes to all of you and your families.

Mary Pinola & Crescenta Valley Chamber Education Fund
Chris Waldheim & Jean Maluccio
, Members, Board of Advisors
Steve Pierce,
Executive Director, Crescenta Valley Chamber
Edna Karinski
, CEO, Community Foundation of the Verdugos

3131 Foothill  Blvd. Suite D, La Crescenta
(818) 248-4957