Our types of funds help you give to
what you care about.
Endowed Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)
The Endowed Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is an important endowment because of its unique flexibility to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the community. It holds on to its capital while distributing a port of its earnings annually. This fund can lend support, upon advice of the donor, to any charitable cause and can take a new direction if community needs change.
Field of Interest Funds
Field of Interest Funds are endowments that provide the Foundation with a means to provide discretionary grants to nonprofits as decided by the Board of Directors. These Funds provide a place for focused contributions by donors to specific areas. Donors of any age can make gifts in any amount, whenever they wish, to any or all of the following areas: arts and culture; children and youth; community interests; environment/animal welfare; and education.
Scholarship Funds
Scholarship Funds are used to assist high school graduates in paying for college or technical school – a necessity in our competitive economy. They vary greatly and can easily be set up to your specifications.
Designated Funds
Designated Funds are endowed funds from which you can support your favorite nonprofit or area of cause. For instance, the Foundation currently manages the “Glendale Historical Society Endowment Fund” and the “Film Music Foundation Fund” — two examples from among many. These funds were set up by donors wishing to only support these organizations. Annual grants from these funds only go to these organizations, too. Designated Funds are commonly set up as part of a bequest or other planned gift.
If you’re a business or nonprofit and would like to inquire about opening a fund, please contact us at (818) 241-8040 or e-mail info@cfverdugos.org.